some random space story

 Prsident of a nation doing his regular stuff , when he got off his work to a personal space he gets greeted by a person ( this is a secret place) .the surprisd presiddnent  takes a moment to register the new scena5rio and freaks out . the new comer ensures the prez that his visit means no harm but may become a roblem if the latter tarts a fuss. this guy starts explaining his situation that he is an alien and he needs somenth9ing from his nation. prez not replies. alien exxplains further that his appearance is a guise and that everything that he percieves off him is false for the sake of not freaking th eprez off . but the prez is already thinking of ways to escape. the guy says that he is coming fro a veru highly deve;loped world which has  the capability to do anything to earth even before w ethiink of couner measures. for the sake of making the prez belive he does some magic stff but the the prez is not crazy enough nor scifi savy enough to brlive that. alien doesnt give up he takes the prez by his coat and flis him to the sky where the night skyis clearly is visilble above. The prexz is fed something ansd the next moent he starts feeling dizzy and starts to hear voices and and sees figures in front ogf him. and somehow the prez is convincee dnow and allows the weird aliens a huge picce of shoreline in his country for they wante dsemonehting from earths crust that wuld be useful to them . the rez had no oteher options since the aliens were kind enough to tell him that  they were powerful enough to hijack the entire planet t a secods notice.

mile away hero jason is aving a tough day t work and realie that he is completely alone in his life agin. he is regrettig his deciosn that he took in his life whether profesionally or personally . the only thing was his work that now was at risk because of the incoming recession . all senty  about his past and strarts to becoe philosophical. nowaday he hsa started to get a weird dream about going to plac to viist someon ethat would solve alll his  confusiosn and would give hia new urpose in his pass by and he cajnnot obviuoly sleep owinfg to the recurring dreams and helping hand that stretches to him. one day he quits and he curses himself from not able to control himself to the location beach. he arrive at airport and goe to checkout wher hemeets lot of werd guys others would say they all looked exacxctly like him. roghly dressed and eager to do something which isshowing on their faces. there is fight outside for the bus  to go to the beach . weirdly there is no transortioan to the beach where somany tourists would like to go. his curiosity takes the better of him, he starts walking he doesnt know how far but he strats weirdly he knows ho far the beah is -far- but he is fairly sure that he can sense it when he gwts closr. isolated areas rough climate no food stalllsbut he not stops -he wants to live and he find this weird energy pouring into him in the direction he is walking . the ame nergy he experience a ss teenager.

whn ehe reache sthe lace something rushes into hi and rods him into an particularlt desrted looking plac ein the beach. his feet starts siing in deep into the sand and he struggses to breath util he finally lets go. accepting. that is when  he openr shis eyesan and finds hismself elsewre  now ord stto desribe other than elsewhere nowhere he has been was like vthsois . this place was someehat looking like a painying , something that has no essence smething aint right here. someones walks towrds him . jason is weirldy exciited seein him. he runs towrds him. the guy is having a tsrange expresson . jason stops one step away fro the mna with - features- he give shim somthing that entrates his skin and suddenly he is full of energy and he feels like he has strated a jorney or quest and he is addicetd to this feeling to having a puprose  in hislife. outsie world is not bothered about his disapppearence in the least. jaseon is tranorted to anothr area . essentially the alines needed humans fo somenthing that is a suspense so they did the kind thing to kidnap people who had lost everyhting in their lives and was looing for a purpose thats when the dream kicks in until and unless they are desperated enough they wouldnt rach the final  hurdle . the lien hs found his quota for that  month finding human who has got the right level of"passion". humans are a special force outside they forseeble distance light yesrs away - a main opponent of these aliens in trade and busiiness human civilization is spread widespread all throught the universe and these alins captured some of them wiped their menories and planted them on earh years ago and forgotten them during the age of war. many studeies whre expected t be done on them to understand their way of thinking and thier imaging limts but that was not required and the laines lost their money that was spnd on this project of earth labs . now  they want to make use of the peace time to give some humans a peace offering to the umans as they are having problems of their owns . jaosn and someothers have been brought to some place . alien give sjason a summary of everything a nd give shim something and the next moment he accepts everyhting noes whaeterv he ought to know the war and the peace offering . he meets other himans who are aosn pecace ofeeirg to the humans of this world. they ar eblind folded cannost see alines only hear sonds . 

soemones grab shold of him and they move ot certaing other area and his body feels a famiar sensation of dizzy feeling whilehe is teleported to the human capital. he opens is eyes tto see humas taller than him leaner and loos suprising similar to each other to a weid extrme. 


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