From a series that spends most of the time in space to a heartwarming GOT style political and dramatic thriller the Expanse takes all of the history of fictional thrillers to the next level. It hit the screens worldwide on 23rd November 2015. The storyline is from James S.A Corey's(the pen names of Daniel Abraham and Ty Frank) book series The Expanse.
It is a sci fi series and most of the story line occurs outside Earth. In the future Earth colonizes Mars and explores all of the solar system. The set of asteroids between Earth and Mars is called the Belt .Lot of violence shown in the series is related to the discrimination faced by the Belters from the inners ( Earth and Mars) and the war that occurs between Earth and Mars. The series is highly futuristic and people who are looking for a perfect a perfect mix of science fiction, thriller and some space exploration this definetely is the right series for them.
Earth and Mars have been at each others throats for years competing for new tech and dominance over the other. Both of them do not trust each other and they are at the brink of war, so they would do anything for an upper hand over the other. While tension increases between the two , the governments do not realise or gives much importance to two situations .1 The Outers (Residents of the belt) starts a rebellion against both of them ;2 Some really bad people are causing and using this to cover something up. Some paranoid scientists find something that are way beyond their expertise to apprehend, a touch from outer space.
They try to use at as weapon and is not able to control it and some bad things happen. Earth and Mars blame each other for the results and starts war , with a secret agenda to aquire the weapon.
All of this shit is being told to us in the perspective of a group of space shuttle crew members headed by James Holden - the main protagonist of the story and a high official of Earth . They have lost a lot friends in the violence that occurs in the confusion. They want to find answers and through them we get to know about the big picture that happens here.
IS IT REALLY THE 'Game Of Thrones in space'?
Both Expanse and GOT give important consideration to the political basis of the storyline and continously changing the perspective from one protagonist to other. Both of them shows the sacrifices that leaders had to make to find peace and others who doesnt want to take sacrifices at all. A very interesting similarity between the two is the presence of other species or may be hybrids that are very much more powerful than man. The shear determination to do the right thing and the mentality to give no shit about glory they get for what they do can be seen in James Holden and Jon Snow
The Expanse have got an amazing cast staring Steven Strait as James Holden, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper, Wes Chatham, Shohrer Aghdashloo and many other celebrities.
The Expanse is really interesting to watch
and gives you a wonderful experience .The amazing graphics and sound effects are a visual treat and really takes you into the story. But the series lacks an emotional background and doesnt give much importance to sentiments. But considering something that occurs in space it doesnt actually matter.
The last and final season releases year after a lot of controversies but later amazon prime came in and saved us all.
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